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Installing Sample Dataset in Oracle Application Express 18.1

section 0Before You Begin

This 5 minute tutorial shows you how to install a sample dataset in Oracle Application Express 18.1. This is the first tutorial in the series Using the Create Application Wizard in Oracle Application Express 18.1.  Read the tutorials in sequence:


Oracle Application Express includes four sample datasets.  Each dataset includes sufficient data to enable you to build applications with pages containing different types of components.
With a few clicks of the mouse you can install, refresh, replace, or remove sample datasets within one of the schemas associated with your workspace. In this tutorial, you install the sample dataset, Project Data.

What Do You Need?

  • Access to Oracle Application Express 18.1
  • Access Your Development Environment
    How you sign in and access Oracle Application Express depends upon where Oracle Application Express resides. Oracle Application Express may reside in a local on-premises Oracle Database or in a hosted environment, such as the Oracle Cloud. The sign in credentials you use to sign in differ depending upon the installation type.
    •  Free Workspace: Give Oracle Application Express a test run by signing up for a free workspace. To request an evaluation workspace, go to and click Get Started.
    • Oracle Cloud: Develop and deploy applications without worrying about infrastructure, repair, and downtime.  Oracle Application Express is available in Exadata Express Cloud Service and Database Cloud Service. However, you need to manually customize your databases to install and enable Oracle Application Express. To learn more, see
    • Oracle Application Express On-premises: Install Oracle Application Express directly within any Oracle Database and then sign in to your workspace using your sign in credentials. For details on your sign in credentials, contact your administrator or see Oracle Application Express Installation Overview
    • Oracle Application Express Pre-Built VM: Install Oracle VM VirtualManager and import the pre-built VM in it. For details, see Oracle Application Express Pre-Built VM 

section 1Install Sample Dataset

To install the sample dataset:

  1. In the Oracle  Application Express Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop.   
  2. Select Utilities and click Sample Datasets.
  3. On the Sample Datasets page, find the dataset Project Data and click Install. If the sample dataset is already installed, then click Update.

    Description of the illustration project_data.png
  4. In the Manage Sample Datasets page, select options for:
  5. Click Install Dataset. The Load Sample Dataset - Results page appears. At this point, you can create an application or exit. Click Exit. The Sample Dataset page displays again.
    load sample dataset
    Description of the illustration project_data_update.png
    Note: The Action column now displays Update instead of Install.
    Tip: You can click Update to refresh a sample dataset or remove it.
    This completes the task of loading Project Data sample dataset.


next stepNext Tutorial

                Creating an Application by Using the Create Application Wizard 18.1     

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